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New Mexico Ethics Commission makes a finding of probable cause against Water Quality Control Commissioner Krista McWilliams


Last week the New Mexico Ethics Commission made a finding of probable cause against Water Quality Control Commissioner Krista McWilliams and assigned a Hearing Examiner to the case. The Hearing Examiner has indicated the recusal for the Commissioner's conflict of interest will be discussed at the start of the hearing on Aug 5th. We think the evidence of her conflict of interest is clear, abundant and damning but you never know how these things will be decided. When the virtual link to watch the hearing is posted we'll share it here. Better yet, sign up here to give testimony about your concerns for how the reuse provisions in this proposed rule are bad for the environment, our communities, and our health!

Starting Aug 5th through Aug 14th, there will be 8 days of Water Quality Control Commission hearings for the Rule Making. There will be 2 hearings each day with an opportunity for us, the public, to make 2-3 minute comments at each of the 16 hearings. Your voices are important and will make a significant difference in whether the outcome of these hearings is safe or dangerous. During the May hearing days, the Commissioners noted that it was testimony from the public that made them stop to consider all the important issues raised. It will be your voices that will get their attention! If you haven't already given testimony here is the link to sign up. And here are some talking points to help you get ideas.

If you really want to get inspired to speak out, listening to the information shared by Justin Nobel at his NM events will get you going. Justin Nobel had 3 events in NM last week as well as a podcast with Truth to Power and a radio interview with Richard Eeds. He will be back to give expert testimony about the radioactive dangers of produced water at the upcoming WQCC hearings. 

Justin has been described as a poet, reminiscent of Bob Dylan, but in service of science. In his books and his talks, he describes the oil and gas industry's secrets, harms, lies, and deceit. He describes how workers and communities are exposed to hazardous materials without information about the dangers, how injection wells for radioactive oil waste are located within our communities, even right next to shopping centers, and how the industry's waste - ranging from 4-10 barrels of waste per barrel of oil - has become a tsunami that is being disposed without any protections for the environment, communities, or our health. He explains how they use language to gaslight us into accepting these dangerous substances as safe or innocuous. Justin's interviews and podcasts are chock full of information that is so alarming, it will inspire you take action.

Another reminder, if you haven't already, please sign the petition that will be presented to the Governor and the WQCC. It will be a show of solidarity and strength to have the signatures of people in our communities.



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